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Chicken Farm

Who We Are!

Rainbow Clouds
Our work begins with farm planning. We dream big about what the land wants to be and how to implement regenerative principles and practices. One day we would vision a permaculture homesteading community with like minded dependable neighbors.....

We are gradually implementing a sustainable farm in Eastern Tennessee.

We envision helping all local communities to move toward self-sustainability, if not complete; partial is a great place to start. We are trying to educate, teach and learn ourself. Attempting to make a teaching community; so that our local area and few others not-so-close areas can both provide and sustain its families without relying on foreign food over processed and over chemical imports. We want to teach planning , preparation, marketing and growing community local markets or websites that allow trading within the East TN area so that BOTH parties can utilize the natural resources available , practice soil and water conservation while providing a nutritious food sources free from corporate profit and harmful toxins, over processing, and shipping from countries that have no oversight of preparation of foods we feed ourself and children. As the number of Autism Spectrum children has almost quadrupled, higher than those of all childhood disease. Latest studies confirm it is the extremely poor quality of food resources ingested over time, and during pregnancy. We want to teach everything from preparation, planting, raising, harvesting and preservation. We have a wonderful climate, plenty of water resources and soil that will allow us to support ourself no matter the size. We should pass "healthy living " to our future generations. 


"I was a forever college student ; I studied Animal Science, Radiology, Ultrasound, CT, MRI and  Leadership Psychologly before going to a non-traditional Medical School. After graduation I spent  residencies in Central America, Caribbean West Indies and the US. My passion was infectious disease . I loved administering medicine in foreign and domestic third world locations in poverty or culturally isolated areas. I am currently disabled and retired with eight wonderful children. We strongly believe in sustaining yourself and family because our future looks bleak. My progeny deserve a chance."                                    Amanda S Hamilton

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Seriously, Let's talk Reality

Let's talk about who is actually FOR your community and family.
     We learned a valuable lesson from our federal government in November 2024, We learned that during an entire community devastation THAT you will need to depend on your neighbors, local area communities, other states and other non-profits for search & rescue, food, shelter, medicine, recovery and clean-up. This country is no longer the same place your grand parents AND  parents were raised. We now live in times of Greed and  LEGAL CORRUPTION where the public is no longer the agenda.
      Lies, media payouts, conspiracy's abound, censored freedoms of speech and a racketeering agenda enforcing judicial system. No longer is the US government protecting your rights, providing economic leadership with fiducial honesty; instead they are seeking to make themself richer.
      The middle class can no longer work and live on US wages, the American farmer is being run out by Government benefits to foreigners, the lower class keeps getting larger with middle class families falling into the lower. The health and human services is so overbudget they are attempting to profit off the poor and skew poverty levels by denying service applications. They only learned this is legal by the example the US government has shown them! You and your family will no longer be able to survive if major changes are NOT made in a short amount of time.
      We the PEOPLE have gotten lazy. settled and expected others to perform their job at the same level as ourself. Instead they were making themself richer on the publics dime, legally untouchable and conspiring collectively as a group to enforce / destroy any whistleblowers. The federal government uses our highest, most elite law enforcement teams as errand boys for direct assaults on whistleblowers. All legally enacted by their own legislation.
      We know now....
Hopefully, we as a collective community can make better decisions to take our local governments into releasing the corruption, unethical acts and return public oversight as a full-time existence. Everything collective starts at the heart of a community and the collective belief that honesty, integrity and the ability to chose ethical over unethical no matter the cost. A society cannot be successful with out a GREAT WORKING CLASS>>> no matter what.
       There must be less of a lower class and even less members of the upper class. I do not think any person alive wants less for their children. We must return local , state and our country to being self-sufficient. This starts with removing dangerous people or  gangs from our areas. This requires the return of THE PEOPLE  determining guilt and making the choices of punishment. Judges and attorneys no longer have the public best interest in mind, it has become a stage for money to be shifted around to save the court less ( such as repeat poor offenders) to full face attacking the middle class ( they receive higher fines, higher sentences and less bail because they work and have a family , so therefore the middle class person pays- The court wins and the attorneys get paid better.) This situation arose from Attorneys, lawmakers and Judges have LESS REGULATION. ( because they are lawmakers, attorneys, lobbying Pharmacy in the upper government). Again, if you are a middle class professional you are OVER REGULATED to the point you can barely perform your job UNLESS the GOVT tells you what you must do legally. All these barriers must be rewritten so that EQUALITY without suppression of autonomy. We are in a  borderline tyrannical situation. The whole idea of America was to be equally represented, to manage administrative duties that are FOR promoting the best interest of the PUBLIC. It has become a collective to make the public silent, misrepresented and with no outlet to MAKE change. Abraham Lincoln and James Madison warned us of this situation and what must be done to correct it. 
      Your family needs to be prepared and able to survive this change. Remember, all those heads in Washington will NOT matter locally. Locally is where we start. The heads can make all the rules, BUT locals have to enforce them to make them
VALID. If enough people invalidate the law , its not a law. I am NOT against government I am against legal corruption. Power and forethought needs to be community stability and the best interest of the public, not the entities fighting for budget or personal financial advancement.
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