Our Work and Expansion Projects......
We at Mystic Mountain Hollow Inc have been working on expanding, providing more areas of homesteading expertise and adding more farm projects to provide more hands on learning!! The first step was finding our purpose and values, then Incorporation, registering with the state and applying for the 501 (c) (3).
Whiting Farms Implement
In 2022, after having a conversation with Taylor Hoffman, Poultry Scientist and farm manger at Whiting Farms Hatchery, we decided to use her expertise and skills, and her poultry farm as the basis of our relationship to get highly reputable genetics for homesteading laying and meat poultry. Dr. Whiting and Taylor have donated time, knowledge and skills, and poultry to help us provide East Tennessee with the opportunity to buy and work with a superior quality poultry not available locally.
Hamilton Hill Farm Goat Herd
In 2022, we donated MMH a miniature milking goat herd for the demand of locals wanting to learn beginner goat skills before or after purchasing a small group. We held one on one and group trainings with hands on of care of the goat; including nutrition, care- hoof, disease and maintenance, environment impact and biosecurity. We also have LMU Veterinary school over for farm care.
Livestock Guardian Dog
Although Hamilton Hill Farm has always owned LGDs, we added the training and care to the homesteading program as the area had a need for understanding the need to supervise and the specialized way to train or work with the dog. This includes vetting, nutrition and care. We have had several dogs become Autistic support dogs by accident because of care for child in pasture/ barn areas.
Homesteading Library
This is the implementation of purchasing books, digital files resources for our families to use, to support our regenerative permaculture start. We have information from preserving, canning to animal husbandry and processing for consumption. We want to teach from the soil in your yard to your table.
2024 WIX
Multi-Media & Official Website
In late 2022, Mystic Mountain Hollow Inc became an official website. Ray worked very hard adding a computer and hardware dedicated to MMH. He developed and started out first official website. We were now on the web! We started with network solutions but changed to WIX in 2024 and it has been GREAT!
Humble Start with Poultry
In 2023, MMH made the move toward making the most efficient layer with priority on rate of lay, length of lay and hardiness for our BIPOLAR weather in East Tennessee. Hamilton Hill farm sold all the original farm poultry and started with exclusive stock from Whiting Farms. Breeding pins and enclosure projects began and are still on-going. We also became NPIP AI clean , heightened biosecurity precautions, policies and procedures.
Learning the LAW
We had to implement FARM LAW in TN because our ignorant neighbor , to whom is a renter truly believes she lives in the city. Unfortunately, She is mentally ill and has very compromised cognitive abilities. She harassed us until I became annoyed. This lady would trespass on our property, cut our fences and kill our animals on our property. She was a nightmare from HELL! Ray and Mandy decided it was time to learn TN livestock, Agriculture zoned law and civil rights of the right o farm. We obtained ALL the pertinent information anyone could possibly need in dealing with neighbors, boundaries and what little the law enforcement will do.
Community Networks
In early 2023 we attended and joined multiple East Tennessee homesteading, permaculture, and extension agency groups and clubs. We talked to local farmers, agriculture extension agents, USDA representatives and livestock processors in the area. We talked to market attendees and vendors. We made ties and started interest in networks for knowledge and sources. We had many offer volunteering and supporting information. The start of our NETWORK. we offered training and started both group and on-farm clinics and hands-on training.
Whiting Transport Initiated
In 2023 MMH made the first trip to Delta CO for chicks. Dr Whiting will not ship any birds but allows pick up in his local area. After our on-going communication with Taylor Hoffman we made the decision to not only pick up our official chicks but to transport some along our route. Taylor had a huge list of people who wanted the same, We said yes we would just want to charge to help with our expenses. So, then the beginning of the transporting began. We had such a easy process and had excellent outcomes many re-peat buyers wants us to transport again and then others found out. It all came together by chance and communication. We are glad to offer transport to offer homesteaders and farms along our route the quality they desire. MMh has now made 3 trips and a 4th scheduled in October for young adult poultry.
Poultry Efficiency Housing
In 2023, We designed better, most economical, best environment, chicken outdoor housing system. MMH used the knowledge from other homesteaders, ran experiments and found the most practical set up for a homesteader. This process included winter summer housing, runs and water system. (hoping to add add fodder system in near future to see how much on decreasing feed ratio.)
Making Community Connections to offer Resources
MMH started working with a local tradesman to construct the buildings we needed for the farm. Using locally sources wood from rough out farm mills. The community help us put together designs and he was able to provide excellent craftmanship at economical prices using ALL local people. This is what a community needs to grow its people and make great connections with each other! He has made chicken houses, goat run ins, and specialty buildings for electrical boxes and our orchard equipment. storage
Ever Expanding Poultry
MMH began breeding and raising WTB, WTG, Colored Leghorns, High Production Leghorn, English Orpingtons, Black Copper Marans, and a trial Olive Egger group, These would be our start to making the best homesteading birds. We will be documenting like , dislikes and place a value on each of the breeds. We added the best laying duck Ancona( its on the livestock conservancy list also but makes the best layer), We added geese for weeding, protection and fertilization of pastures.
Permaculture Orchard
In 2023, MMH planned and planted 12 fruit trees, they were Apples, Pears, Crabapple, Peaches and Plums. They were planted using permaculture ideology and spacing. We lost 4 the first winter but have replaced the trees with the survivor varieties. We are going to expand it in 2024 and add fruit bushes such as blueberry, raspberry and several mulberry trees as well.
Implemented 24 hour survelliance
In 2023, MMH implemented 24 hour , 7 days a week video and audio surveillance. This gave us ability to see all livestock and pins when we are away or at night. We have been able to see potential dangers as well as watch behaviors, kidding and monitor the neighbor's falsifying stories.
Project NPIP certification for Poultry Biosecurity
MMH takes biosecurity as a priority and implemented the NPIP ( National Poultry Improvement Plan). All of the poultry on farm was tested twice a year starting 2023.
The NPIP was initiated to help diminish the spread of Pullorum Disease, caused by Salmonella Pullorum which was rampant in the poultry industry and could cause upwards of 80% mortality in baby poultry. The program was later extended to include testing and monitoring for other poultry diseases. The program currently offers testing and monitoring for:
Salmonella Pullorum (Causative agent of Pullorum disease)
Salmonella Gallinarum (Causative agent of Fowl Typhoid)
Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Mycoplasma synoviae
Mycoplasma meleagridis (for turkeys)
Avian Influenza
Addition of Meat Ducks
MMH began breeding the most sought after meat duck called the Muscovy. These friendly prolific ducks have very little up keep and free range for the majority of their nutrition. A popular eating duck in Europe, the Muscovy duck (sometimes called Barbarie or Barbary duck) is thin-skinned, low in fat, and has deep red, mildly gamey meat which is sometimes compared to roast beef for its flavor, and veal for its tenderness.
2024 Addition of New Runs
In 2024, MMH added 4 new run types.
Project Raised Berry Beds
In June 2024 MMH has started the construction for raised blue berry , raspberry and black berry beds. In addition acquiring organic topsoil and composted soil.
Project Expansion of Covered Area for Teaching
AS we begin we are need of more funding for the purchase of a larger additional outdoor covered training area.
Project Going MOBILE
2024 FALL hoping for a trailer instead of renting a Uhaul for CO trips. would like windows, vents and awning for demo's, clinics and shows.